Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting started!

 First of I all I need to credit the title of this blog to avoid any legal issues. A high school classmate of mine, thanks Paul Googe, used that phrase and I sort of adopted it. It says all that needs be said. My other favorite quote is 'When all's been said and done, more ha usually been said than done'.
 Moving on, I want to mention whats going on with the craft beer industry. There's a lot of whining about the movement of some craft breweries withdrawing from certain retail markets. They say they can't meet the demand in their home markets so they are pulling out of areas outside of their demographic region. Great move! In the early days of brewing, local breweries were just that. LOCAL. Only the residents and travelers enjoyed the local brew. If you liked something you couldn't enjoy back home you took some with you or returned for more. What a great impact on the local economy. It will work even better today. I love traveling to other cities and bringing back what I can't get here at home and believe me here in Tennessee, our selections are slim. I call the south the beer drought zone although things in North Carolina are getting better.
  I remember visiting my Father's family farm in Westmoreland County Pennsylvania, when I was young. I was amazed at the presence of the local brews I had never heard of. Stoneys, Iron City, Duquesne, Rolling Rock and others were alien to me. I was in awe of the local dedication to these brands. I brought back some of each every summer  to the amazement of my friends. They referred to my stash as 'weird beers'. I wonder what they think now when they see the selections from Yazoo and Sweetwater in the coolers of local stores. Soon they can enjoy fresh offerings from Marble City and Chattanooga Brewing Co. I hope they do.
  Cheers and let us hear from you!